Thursday, May 14, 2020

How when and where life will begin on another planet after Earth.

How, when and where life will begin on another planet after Earth.

It has been centuries now since humankind looked up to the sky and wondered, is there any other life out there apart from our own? Ever since that question has been asked, it has been a mystery. Our solar system has Sun and eight planets. The Sun is a Red Giant Star and in distant future it will engulf Mercury, Venus and probably Earth. The size and luminosity of the Sun is continuously increasing from its birth. By rearranging given astronomical data, this paper explores that in distant future, due to increasing size and luminosity of the Sun characteristics of the terrestrial planets have been shifting from one planet to another that would bring life on one of the planet in our solar system after 1 duky’s Unit. 1 duky’s unit is the time from now to the time when Mercury would get engulfed in the Sun. It unlocks so many questions like why Earth has one Moon but Mars has two, how Venus became Earth’s evil twin, what is the roll of asteroid belt in our solar system, how life began on Earth, where was it before Earth and where it will be on another planet after Earth?

Keywords : - Red Gaint Star, Luminosity and Size of the Sun, Life on another planet, terrestrial planet, Duky’s Unit




It has been centuries now since humankind looked up to the sky and wondered, is there any other life out there apart from our own? Evidence that the scientists found might prove that humans are not alone in this universe or it also might not be true. Humans have created fiction of other life forms to fill out our curiosity of the unknown to us. Many scientists and astronomers are trying to find evidence of other living creatures and things out there in the universe. For example, NASA has discovered that there might be life on the fourth planet from the sun, Mars. According to NASA administrator Daniel S. Goldin issued a statement saying, "NASA has made a startling discovery." He called the evidence "exciting, even compelling, but not conclusive. I want every to understand that we are not talking about 'little green men.' These are extremely small, single-cell creatures that somewhat resemble bacteria on Earth. There is no evidence or suggestion that any higher life form ever existed on Mars." Many NASA's scientists do back up their statements with evidence although other scientists do not agree with NASA's announcement about life on Mars. Ever since NASA has discovered living things on Mars, Mars has been the center of attention in the world of science.


Our solar system has one star and eight planets out of which Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars are called the terrestrial planets because they have solid, rocky surfaces. Scientists believe that Venus as well as Mars has some sort of signs of life on it. Researchers who specialize in stellar evolution have long known that the



inner planets are in danger. The trouble starts in the distant future when the Sun's core runs out of hydrogen fuel for nuclear fusion. To keep the fires burning, the Sun will begin to fuse hydrogen outside the core, in a layer closer to the stellar surface. This will turn the Sun into a red giant, at least 200 times wider than it is today. Mercury, Venus, Earth and possibly even Mars could be engulfed. Sun’s size is not increasing in a year rather it has already taken 4.5 billion years and yet it will take approximately 8 to 9 billion years more until it become white dwarf.


Mercury is the first planet in our solar system. Mercury is a rocky planet, also known as a terrestrial planet. Mercury has a solid, cratered surface, much like Earth's moon. It has no moons. The plant and animal life of the Earth could not live on Mercury.


VENUS is called the Earth's "twin," its surface conditions appear to be very different from those of the Earth. Geologists have had difficulty learning about the surface of Venus because the planet is always surrounded by thick clouds of sulfur dioxide and drops of sulfuric acid. For the most part, lava flow fields are associated with volcanoes. The atmosphere of Venus consists primarily of carbon dioxide, with small amounts of nitrogen and water vapor. This planet has also no Moon like Mercury. Takeshi Imamura says "In so many ways, Venus is similar to Earth. It has about the same mass, is approximately the same distance from the Sun, and is made of the same basic materials. "Yet the two worlds ended up so different. We want to know why." Although a parade of U.S. and Soviet spacecraft has visited Venus since 1961, no one yet knows how it became Earth's "evil twin." Did it suffer from a case of global warming run amok – or something else?


The third planet of our solar system is Earth. The life on Earth is possible only due to presence of different elements, metals, non-metals, gases, the ozone layer and the sufficient distance from the Sun. Earth has two polar ice caps i.e., North Pole, South Pole. Today the axial tilt on Earth is 23.45 degrees. It is believed that there was intense volcanic activity for the first billion years of the Earth's existence. The early atmosphere was probably mostly carbon dioxide, with little or no oxygen. Earth has one natural Moon that continues rotating around Earth and from the ranging experiments, scientific Measurements show that the Moon is receding away from Earth at a rate of about 3.8 centimeters per year. Scientists believe that the Earth was formed about 4.5 billion years ago. Strangely our Sun is now 30% brighter than it was at birth. As ages it will gradually grow even brighter and more powerful. In 1.1 billion years from now, the Sun will be 10% brighter than it is today. This extra energy will cause a moist greenhouse effect in the beginning, similar to the runaway warming on Venus. But then the Earth’s atmosphere will dry out as water vapor is lost to space, never to return. In 3.5 billion the years from now, the Sun will be 40% brighter than it is today. It will be so hot that the oceans will boil and water vapor will be lost to space as well. The ice caps will get permanently melted, and snow will become ancient history; life will become unable to survive anywhere on the surface of the Earth. The Earth will resemble dry hot Venus. A research by Shyamkant Padoley (an eminent botanist) makes us strong claim that Tulsi gives out oxygen for 20 hours and ozone for 4 hours a day along with the formation of nascent oxygen which absorbs harmful gases like carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide from the environment. Also Scientists found some species of micro-animals named ‘Tardigrades’. Since 1778, over 1,150 tardigrade species have been identified. Tardigrades are known to be able to go for decades without food or water to survive direct exposure to dangerous radiations.


Fourth planet of our solar system is Mars. Mars and Earth are very similar in terms of their day length. The actual surface area of Mars is almost exactly the same as all the dry land on Earth, all shrunk to fit together without the ocean. Mars has two polar ice caps. The Mars was too hot in the past; we are saying so because the big volcano’s which are too high as compared to Everest peak on the Earth are present on the surface of planet Mars. Mars has two moons Phobo’s and Diemo’s. Researchers originally thought that Phobo’s is nearing Mars at a rate of 1.8meter every hundred years; at that rate, it will crash into Mars in 50 million years. A day on Mars lasts 1.03 Earth days. Today the axial tilt on Mars is 25.19 degrees. The axial tilt on Mars is very close to Earth’s tilt, this means that Mars has seasons where are very similar to Earth.


Table-1. Seasons on Mars and Earth

   Season          Length of Season       Length of Season

                               on Earth                      on Mars

   Spring             93 Earth Days           94 Martian Days

   Summer          93 Earth Days          178 Martian Days

   Autumn           90 Earth Days          142 Martian Days

   Win                 89 Earth Days          154 Martian Days


In 2008, NASA’s Phoenix lander set down on one part of the formation and found water ice just a few inches below the dry surface soil. Also William Boynton of the University of Arizona has detected telltale signs of water ice in the upper meter (three feet) of soil in a large region surrounding the Red Planet's South Pole. It may be better to characterize this layer as dirty ice rather than as dirt containing ice, because rock has a greater density than ice, this amount is more than 50 percent water ice by volume. This means that if one heated a full bucket of this ice-rich polar soil it would result in more than half a bucket of liquid water. In addition, NASA spacecraft have detected frozen water beneath the surface of Mars. Liquid water, on the other hand, is scarce. Why? On a warm summer day, ice doesn't melt; it vaporizes--skipping directly from solid to gas. This happens because the air pressure is so low. An examination of the rover Curiosity’s wheels provides evidence that it drove through moist clay and sand which stuck in great clumps upon the wheels. This clumping adhesion would have been possible only if the soil were moist. In addition, there is extensive evidence of ice frozen within the wheel’s wells of the rover, as well as what might be fungus. Given that these pictures were taken days and weeks apart and despite the fact that the rover wheels are designed to allow debris to be discarded; this can only mean that what appears to be ice and perhaps fungus was adhering to the wheel wells. That certainly increases the probability that fungi, algae, and lichens are flourishing on Mars.


Ever since that question has been asked, it's been a mystery and many scientists and astronomers have come out with many theories about what lies out there and what they look like, if any exist. However, these theories will remain only as theories before someone can actually find evidence of what lies out there. Today, we need a planet like Earth so that just before the death of Earth we could go there and save our generation. Our scientists have been continuously trying to find out the another planet where there may be a possibility of life but they could not succeed till today. It has become a real need of the Mankind to carry on its generation.



For centuries, human have pondered the possibility of life on other planets and tried to prove its existence. Even before the first shuttle or probe was launched, stories of life on other planets and life invading our own planet, were published prolifically. Whether it’s a desire to connect with others or a burning curiosity to know whether we are truly alone, the question of life on other planets fascinates people from every walk of life. Duky’s theory is based on the scientific data, and on the basis of this data it is explored that how, when and where life will begin on another planet after Earth in future.


As, it is known that the Sun’s size and luminosity will have been continuously increasing until it’s become Red Giant Star and due to its increasing size and luminosity, nearer planets like Mercury, Venus and Probably Earth will get merged in the Sun. It is briefly discussed in this paper that what will happen when Mercury will get merged in the Sun.


Due to increasing size and luminosity of the Sun, temperature on Mercury will get increased dramatically. After 2-3 billion years when temperature will become too high then Mercury will get broken into pieces and eventually it will get merged into the Sun after 1 duky’s Unit. Scientists claimed that Mercury planet will get merged in the Sun but they don’t know when it would happen. So, Duky’s Unit (DU) is proposed to express the time from now to the time when Mercury will get merged in the Sun.


Meanwhile, due to decreasing distance between the Sun

and the Venus, the temperature on Venus will increase and due to increasing the temperature on Venus the upper atmosphere will get heated up by the solar wind. In a continuous process of few million years the clouds of sulfuric acid and sulfur dioxide will escape Venus gravity and eventually it will get drifted off into the space. The atmosphere of Venus will become one of the most tenuous atmospheres in the Solar System. Eventually, the solid part of the Venus will remain, that would be similar to Mercury. At that time Venus would have no Moon, no Acids clouds and has tenuous atmosphere, i.e. Venus will become first planet (Mercury’s Twin) of our solar system after 1 DU.


Scientists said that after 1 billion years our Sun’s luminosity will be 10% greater and temperature on Earth will be 100 degrees hotter. At that time the ice of Earth Poles will have melted out and all the Earth land will get covered with water. Due to continuous process of increasing temperature, water will boil on the surface that will make water vapors. After 23 million years or thereabout the moisture in the air will become very good to trap infra-red radiation, as the Earth will warms up, the oceans would evaporate even more, we trap more heat and so the Earth will warm up more. When the Earth would warm up more again we will trap even more heat and as the effect within few million years Earth will get covered with the blanket of water vapors. And due to increasing temperature and pressure, volcanoes of Earth will become active and due to this; volcanic eruption will blast billions of tons of sulfur high into the atmosphere, there sulfur will mix with water vapors and form conc. Sulfuric acids. Resulting in a continuous process of few more million years the whole Earth will get covered with sulphuric acids cloud. Due to incredible heat (hot enough to melt lead) likely would evaporate away all water into the upper atmosphere, where it will dissociate by ultraviolet light into ionized atomic hydrogen and oxygen. Some of the oxygen would combine into carbon dioxide, but most of the oxygen and hydrogen will just blow away by the "solar wind" because Earth will have lost its protective magnetosphere, that keeps Earth safe. So within few more million years Earth atmosphere will get enriched with carbon dioxide. As it is known that Earth’s moon is receding away from Earth so before 1 DU, Moon will have been gone away from Earth. When this would happen, may be its possible that our Earth will get started to slow down one spin per million years or thereabouts. These would lead to the massive outpouring of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gasses that will give Earth its Hellish atmosphere. At that time standing on the surface of Earth, will be like meeting absolutely incredible situation. First of all, the sky will not be blue, it will be red, orange in color and this would be a hell real hell. That would be the end of Earth, because at that time Moon will have gone away plus atmosphere will have filled with carbon dioxide plus whole Earth land will have covered by sulfuric acid clouds. At that time not only Earth will become second planet of solar system but also become Venus Twin.  So, here it is concluded that Earth will probably become Venus that also explains “how Venus became Earth's "evil twin”.  If Venus had life in past or in better words if life was ever present on Venus, then it was gone away like that.


Fourth Planet is Mars and possibility of life on Mars is a subject of significant interest to astrobiology due to its proximity and similarities to Earth. To date, no proof has been found of past or present life on Mars. This theory proves that Mars is the only planet where life will begin in future. Let’s explore it with the help of scientific data we have. First, surprisingly Scientists said that the actual surface area of Mars is almost exactly the same as all the dry land on Earth, all shrunk to fit together without the ocean. Second, the axial tilt on Mars is very close to Earth’s tilt, this means that Mars has seasons where are very similar to Earth. So there is no problem with the season on Mars for Living things. Third, according to our scientists after 50 million years from now phobo will crash on the surface of Mars. When that will happen, Mars would have one moon like Earth. This collision will be so hard and strong that phobo will get totally immersed in the surface of planet Mars as a result may be its possible that Mars will get tilted at 23.45 degree on a dot (the axial tilt on Mars is 25.19 degrees). As it is known that duration of day doesn’t effects the life but it may be possible that after collision Martian day will become 24hours on a dot after 1DU (one day on Mars lasts 24.6 hours). Due to the collision not only the molten lava will come out on the Surface but also volcanos will become active. From which cryovolcano (ice volcano) would erupt water, ammonia or methane, while other volcanoes would erupt Carbon dioxide, Sulfur, Nitrogen, Argon, Helium, Neon, Methane, Hydrogen and massive amount of steam which will condense into rain and thereby supplying the planet with water. So, after collision Mars atmosphere will get filled with gases given out by volcanos. As NASA spacecraft have detected on a warm summer day, ice doesn't melt; it vaporizes--skipping directly from solid to gas. This happens because the air pressure is so low. But after collision a small boost in pressure would be enough to allow ice to melt and water to flow under a warm summer Sun. NASA scientists have found a big sheet of ice about 2 or 3 inches deep under the surface of Mars and William Boynton proved that if one heated a full bucket of the Martian ice-rich polar soil, it would result in more than half a bucket of liquid water. After the collision, the ice on the surface will start melting and within a few million years plenty of water will be floating on its surface that will make ponds, lakes, rivers and ocean soon. A close examination of the rover Curiosity’s certainly increases the probability that fungi, algae, and lichens are flourishing on Mars. It indicates that life might have started on Mars. After the collision when temperature and pressure would get raised; water ice will become water. Then microbial life forms such as ‘Tardigrade’ would get emerged on Mars and would play an important role in life circle of Mars because these are known to be able to go for decades without food or water to survive direct exposure to dangerous radiations etc. Liquid Water will appear to be a key component for the origin of life when Mars will get filled with all kinds of mineral including lots of iron. Life will begin in a primordial soup, a warm part containing energy and atmospheric elements to make amino acids. Overtime RNA will form, when primordial soup will have enriched with all kinds of chemicals needed to make RNA. No doubt RNA is not capable of making life on its own, but in primordial soup, RNA will change and it will start behaving differently in the absence of oxygen. It will shape-shift and all of a sudden, will become instruction carrier kind of like DNA and when they will chain up with the Iron from the soup, it will perform a single electron transfer that’s mean it will jump start the reaction needed for photosynthesis and respiration. RNA together with iron will create the bases for breathing things. So, RNA will interact with some sort of chemical reaction or spark and it will start creating bacteria. Then under water bacteria would begin to use water, carbon dioxide and the Sun’s energy to produce carbohydrate in order to survive, this process is called photosynthesis that will inject vast amount of oxygen into sea water and eventually in our atmosphere. These bacteria’s will be the seeds from which the life will develop. As the time pass, they will diversify into different groups. Some will remain attach to one another and will form chain, we know them today as algae and others will form hollow balls that will connect upon themselves creating a body within internal cavity. They will be the first multi-cell organisms or direct descendent. As more variations will appear the life will grow and become more diverse. Some organisms will become more mobile like undeveloped as a mouth that opened into a gut. Others will have bodies stiffen by an entail rod. They will understandable develop sense organ around their front end. A related group will develop bodies sub-divided into segment with little projection on either side that will help them to move around on the sea floor. Some of these segmented creatures will develop hard protective skins which will give their body some rigidity. Soon, the lakes, ponds etc. will get filled with great variety of elements and then after some more million years later some of these creatures will come out of the water and will venture into the land. There life will branch into a multitude of different species that will exploit this new environment in all kinds and ways. One group of them will develop elongated scalps on their backs, which over many generations will eventually get developed into wings, the insects will arrive; life will move into the air and thereby diversify into million forms. Meanwhile back into the ponds and lakes those creatures with the stiffening rod in their body will have strengthened it by incasing it in bone. A skull will develop with hinges jaw so they could grab and hold onto prey. They will grow bigger and eventually they will develop fins equipped with muscles that will able them to swim with speed and power. So, fish now will dominate the water of Mars. One group of them will develop ability to gulp air from the water surface. Their fragile fins will become weight supported legs and after 190 million years a few of these back bone creatures will follow the insects onto the land. They will be the amphibians with red skins and they will have to return to water to lay their eggs. But some of their descendents will evolve dry scaly skin and will break the liquid water by lying eggs with water tight shells. These creatures will become reptile as ancestors of today tortoises, snake, lizards & crocodile. During this process, some plants such as Tulsi will have evolved that will play a major role to develop ozone directly.  Later on when Mars will get enriched with the enough oxygen then ozone in the Mar's atmosphere will begin to develop by energetic ultraviolet light striking oxygen molecules containing two oxygen atoms (O2), splitting them into individual oxygen atoms (atomic oxygen); the atomic oxygen then will combine with unbroken oxygen atom (O2) to create ozone, O3. After some more million years, it shall be possible that Martian human would evolve on the Mars and with their evolution, they would change the way Mars looks on the ground and from the space. At that time, Mars will become third planet of solar system having one moon, water, oxygen and many types of lives similar to Earth (Earth’s Twin). So, the life will begin only on Mars after 1DU, as described in this paper.








Our solar system has Sun and eight planets out of which four are terrestrial planet named Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. Life only exists on Earth in our solar system. A method has proposed named Duky’s Changing Place Method (DCPM) that answers all these questions that always come into mind. It focuses only on how characteristics of terrestrial planets are shifting from one planet to another.


Table-2. Terrestrial planets of Solar System 1 RU ago.

Planet        Moon      Surface   Atmosphere Constituent                               

Nafria       None         Dry               tenuous atmosphere

Mercury   None         Lava          CO2, H2SO4 clouds etc.

Venus       One        Water & Ice         N2, O2, ozone etc.

Earth        Two          Water Ice         CO2, N2, Argon etc.

Mars         ----            ------                    ----------------


According to Table-2, Nafria (Proposed planet) was the first planet 1Rommy’s Unit (RU) ago. It was a dry planet having tenuous atmosphere with no moon. Mercury was the second planet covered with sulfuric acid clouds having no moon. Venus was the third planet having water on the surface, oxygen in the atmosphere having one moon and all essential things that forms life. Earth was the fourth planet having water ice and dry surface, atmosphere filled with mostly carbon dioxide and having two moons. Mars was the fifth planet and it may probably had covered with Molten lava. We don’t know more about what kind of planet was Mars in future because it has become ancient history. Due to increasing size and luminosity of the Sun, Nafria had merged into the Sun about 1 Rommy’s Unit ago.


Table-3. Today’s terrestrial planets of Solar System

Planet        Moon        Surface       Atmosphere Constituent                              

Mercury    None        Dry              tenuous atmosphere

Venus       None        Lava          CO2, H2SO4 clouds etc

Earth          One        Water & Ice         N2, O2, ozone etc

Mars         Two         Water Ice          CO2, N2, Argon etc


According to Table-3, after 1 Rommy’s Unit, Mercury become first planet of our solar system. It has no moon; its entire surface is dry i.e. water or any kind of liquid 0material is not present on its surface and it has tenuous atmosphere. So, today there is no possibility that life could start here in future. Move on to Venus, it has no moon; lava is floating on its surface; atmosphere has filled with Carbon dioxide, Nitrogen etc. and its entire surface has covered with sulfur dioxide and sulphuric acids clouds. So, today there is also very less possibility of life in future on Venus without any Moon. Now third planet is Earth. It has one moon; water is floating on its surface and ice on the poles, mountains, hills; Nitrogen, Oxygen, Argon along with ozone in the atmosphere and having sufficient distance from the Sun. Therefore, life is running on it but as we know moon is receding away from it and temperature and luminosity of Sun is continuously increasing. So life will have gone away from Earth in future. Next is Mars, it has two moons; water ice on the poles and beneath the surface; CO2, Nitrogen and Argon are present in its atmosphere. Most importantly in near future, one of its moon will get merge in it plus, size and luminosity of the Sun is continuously increasing that will bring life on Mars in future as it has number of ingredients that are important for life.


Table-4. Terrestrial planets of Solar System after 1DU.

Planet      Moon        Surface         Atmosphere Constituent

Venus     None         Dry                 tenuous atmosphere

Earth       None        Lava          CO2, N2 & Acids cloud

Mars         One     Water & Ice      N2, O2, Argon & ozone


After 1 DU, from table-4 we observe that, Mercury will have merged in the Sun, Venus will have no moon; its entire surface will be dry i.e. water or any type of liquid will not be floating on its surface and its atmosphere will have become tenuous atmosphere. So, Venus will become Mercury’s Twin. Secondly, Earth will have no moon; molten lava will be floating on its surface; atmosphere will have enriched with carbon dioxide and nitrogen and whole surface will get covered by clouds of sulfuric acid plus sulfur dioxide. All data is giving us signs that not only the life will have gone away from Earth but it will become Venus Twin after 1DU. Thirdly, Mars will have one moon; water and other liquid materials will be floating on its surface; atmosphere will have enriched with Nitrogen, Oxygen, Argon etc. and blanket of Ozone layer will have formed in the atmosphere. So, life will begin on Mars and it will become Earth’s Twin after 1DU or thereabout.


So, DCPM unlocks the question and tells us that Life was on Venus about 1 Rommy’s Unit ago, now it’s on Earth and after 1 duky’s Unit life will begin on Mars. But still some more questions arise; what is the roll of asteroid belt in our solar system? From DCPM, we notice that characteristics of only terrestrial planets are changing that are inside the Asteroid belt. So it indicates that characteristics of terrestrial planet shifts from one planet to another and Mars will be the last planet on which life will begin in future. When Mercury will merge in the Sun then Mercury will die but it’s characteristics properties will get shifted to another planet next to it. In a nutshell, Venus will become Mercury’s Twin, Earth will become Venus Twin and Mars will become Earth’s Twin and no one will become Mars Twin. So, in that sense it will not only the end of Mercury Planet but end of Characteristics properties of Mars. Second, what will happen to Jupiter and other planets? It is possible that when our Sun will become white dwarf star then all the planets would get stopped revolving around Sun’s. Eventually they will leave Sun alone. May be its possible Jupiter, Saturn Uranus and Neptune will become bigger and more luminous like today’s Sun and they will start making its own solar system and eventually life will begin on their planets. As Sun’s size and luminosity is continuously increasing from its birth, So, life would evaporate from Earth and would rain on Mars and it would never come in a moment but it will take time. No doubt life would start on Mars after million years later but it would start only on Mars in our solar system. Till then we can try to go there and can start artificial life there by making greenhouse shelter there.



It is now clear that due to increasing size & luminosity of the Sun, characteristics of terrestrial planets are switching from one to another planet. In better words, after 1 DU, when Mercury planet will get merged in the Sun, then Venus will become Mercury’s Twin, Earth will become Venus Twin and Mars will become Earth’s Twin. Therefore, from the above data it can be concluded that continuously increasing luminosity of the Sun and collision of Phobo's will start life on Mars after 1 DU.




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